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Tampilkan postingan dengan label Emas China. Tampilkan semua postingan

Senin, 07 September 2015

PBoC Pertimbangkan Naikan Cadangan Emas, Impor Emas Mungkin Bertambah

PT. Equityworld Futures - Meningkatnya pendapatan riil dankonsumsi perhiasan merupakan kekuatan pendorong utama dari permintaan Cina. Permintaan investasi yang lebih besar, seiring China terus mengembangkan pasar investasi emas mereka, merupakan sumber dukungan yang lebih lanjut. Akhirnya, kami berharap PBOC China untuk terus menumpuk cadangan emas mereka, memberikansaham logam yang rendah cadangan devisa yang besar.
Sebaliknya, kita melihat kendala pada produksi emas China dan, sebagai hasilnya, kami mengharapkan gap yang tumbuh antara suplai dan permintaan domestik, sehingga kebutuhan untuk impor bisa tumbuh. Dalam encana lima tahun (FYP) ke-12 yang meliputi 2010-15, pemerintah menetapkan target 420-450 ton produksi emas pada tahun 2015, yang menggamparkan pertumbuhan tahunan sebesar 3-5%. Hal tersebut terpenuhi dengan mudah untuk produksi 2014 yang diperkirakan sebesar 461,8 ton oleh GFMS sementara Asosiasi Emas Cina memperkirakan bahwa produksi H1 15mencapai 228,7 ton. Selama lima tahun ke depan, kita melihat kenaikan terbatas pada tingkat pertumbuhan produksi dan, sebagai hasilnya, kami memperkirakan kenaikan tahunan sebesar 4% dalam produksi.
Di tingkat perkiraan ini, China akan memproduksi lebih dari 570 ton emas pada tahun 2020; Namun, ini masih akan membuat permintaan impor meningkat dari 511 ton pada 2014 ke 912 ton pada 2020, atau meningkat hampir 80%. Faktor pembatas utama yang kita lihat dalam produksi emas China adalah cadangan domestik. Cina adalah salah satu produsen emas terbesar di dunia, namun ada beberapa pertanyaan mengenai cadangan tambangnya.
Pemerintah China memperkirakan bahwa cadangan tambang dalam negeri menjadi antara 8000 -9,000 ton. Namun, US Geological Survey memperkirakan cadangan emas China hanya sebesar 1.900 ton. Dalam kedua kasus, China memproduksi dalam tingkat yang tinggi untuk cadangan tambangnya, dengan produksi tahunan 70% lebih tinggi dari Australia, yang mana merupakan negara dengan cadangan terbesar.(sdm)
Sumber : www.ewfpro.com

Emas Kembali Turun untuk Hari Kedua Jelang Rilis Data Pekerjaan AS

PT. Equityworld Futures - Emas kembali lanjutkan penurunan untuk hari kedua beruntun pada hari Jumat, menjelang rilis laporan penting pekerjaan AS karena pedagang menunggu petunjuk tentang waktu kenaikan suku bunga Federal Reserve.
Spot emas sedikit berubah pada level $1,125.31 per ons pukul 07:40 waktu Singapura, pasca turun sekitar 1 persen dalam dua sesi terakhir. Emas jatuh ke level terendahnya dalam satu pekan terakhir ke level $1,121.35 pada hari Kamis.
Emas AS juga kuat di level $1,124.90.
Bullion berada di bawah tekanan pada hari Kamis karena dolar terapresiasi pasca bank sentral Eropa (ECB) memangkas target pertumbuhan ekonomi dan mempertahankan tingkat suku bunga acuannya.
Penguatan dolar juga didorong sentimen positif Data klaim pengangguran mingguan AS yang menandakan kekuatan di pasar tenaga kerja, sehari sebelum rilis laporan pekerjaan bulan Agustus lalu pada hari ini, yang mungkin penting bagi para pembuat kebijakan the Fed untuk mempertimbangkan kenaikan suku bunga.
Data ekonomi yang kuat bisa mendorong The Fed untuk menaikkan suku lebih cepat daripada proyeksi, ini menyakiti aset non-bunga seperti emas dan dapat meningkatkan mata uang dolar.
Laporan non-farm payroll AS yang akan dirilis hari ini hanya beberapa hari menjelang pertemuan kebijakan The Fed pada 16-17 September mendatang.
Emas Juga terbebani akibat tidak adanya pembeli China sebagai konsumen emas terbesar didunia karena ditutup sampai Jumat untuk hari libur umum.
Dalam berita industri lainnya, Rusia memproduksi 113,3 ton emas di semester pertama 2015 turun dari 115,6 ton pada periode yang sama tahun lalu, menurut kementerian keuangan dalam sebuah pernyataan pada hari Kamis kemarin. (izr)
Sumber : www.ewfpro.com

Emas Berakhir 1,1% Lebih Rendah Pada Pekan Ini

PT. Equityworld Futures - Emas berjangka menetap di level terendah dalam lebih dari dua minggu pada hari Jumat, mendapatkan kerugian mingguan sebesar 1,1% dari bangun dari laporan pekerjaan bulanan AS, yang menawarkan gambaran beragam dari kesehatan di pasar tenaga kerja AS.
Ekonomi AS pada bulan Agustus memperlihatkan gain terkecil pekerjaan dalam lima bulan terakhir, menurut Departemen Tenaga Kerja Jumat, menambahkan sekitar 173.000 lapangan kerja baru, sementara tingkat pengangguran turun ke level terendah 5,1% - level terendah sejak April 2008.
Emas berjangka untuk pengiriman Desember kehilangan $ 3,10, atau 0,3%, untuk menetap di level $ 1,121.40 per ons di Comex New York. Harga emas turun 1,1% untuk minggu ini dan menandai penutupan terendahnya sejak 18 Agustus yang lalu.
Meskipun kenaikan payroll lebih rendah dari proyeksi ekonom, revisi ke atas untuk bulan sebelumnya dan tingkat pengangguran terendah di sekitar tujuh tahun mungkin menawarkan sedikit alasan bagi The Fed untuk menunda menaikkan suku bunga pertama kalinya dalam hampir satu dekade terakhir dalam pertemuan awal kebijakan dua hari pada tanggal 16 September mendatang.
Untuk logam lainnya, perak untuk bulan Desember kehilangan 15,8 sen, atau 1,1%, ke level $ 14,549 per ons, untuk kenaikan mingguan sekitar 0,1%.(frk)
Sumber : www.ewfpro.com

Selasa, 01 September 2015

Indeks Saham China Catat Selloff Terbesar Sejak 2008

PT. Equityworld Futures - Saham China turun, indeks acuan catat penurunan terbesar dalam dua bulan terakhir sejak 2008 lalu di tengah kekhawatiran bahwa intervensi pemerintah untuk menopang pasar akan gagal.
Indeks Shanghai Composite turun sebesar 0,8 persen ke level 3,205.99 pada penutupan perdagangan, pengupas kerugian sebanyak 3,8 persen. Indeks SSE 50, yang mewakili saham terbesar di Shanghai, rally sebanyak 6,7 persen dari intraday terrendahnya. Indeks Citic Securities Co anjlok sebesar 5 persen pasca Xinhua News Agency melaporkan bahwa pejabat eksekutif perusahaan tersebut ditahan karena dicurigai melakukan insider trading dan regulator sekuritas mengatakan memesan industri broker untuk meningkatkan kontribusinya untuk menyelamatkan pasar saham nasional. Spekulasi bearish di pasar opsi naik karena pedagang terbebani tingkat dukungan negara sebelum parade kemenangan Perang Dunia II pekan ini.
Ayunan di pasar saham China bulan ini telah mengguncang investor seluruh dunia karena mereka berjuang untuk mengantisipasi tindakan kebijakan dalam perekonomian terbesar kedua di dunia tersebut. Saham menguat hampir sebesar 10 persen selama Kamis dan Jumat terkait spekulasi otoritas yang menopang pasar sebelum Presiden Xi Jinping berpidato di parade tersebut, pemerintah akan meningkatkan kekuatan militer dan politik. (izr)
Sumber : www.ewfpro.com

Senin, 24 Agustus 2015

Emas Bersiap Catat Kenaikan Mingguan Terbesar Sejak Januari

PT. Equityworld Futures - Emas naik dalam transaksi berombak Jumat, menembus level tertingginya dalam enam pekan terakhir dan berada di jalur menuju kenaikan mingguan terbesar sejak pertengahan Januari lalu karena buruknya data ekonomi dari China yang telah mengguncang pasar keuangan, mendorong dolar AS luas lebih rendah.
Saham dunia anjlok menuju kinerja mingguan terburuk mereka tahun ini, sementara indeks dolar mencapai level terendahnya dalam dua bulan terakhir pasca data pabrik China menambah keraguan bahwa Federal Reserve AS akan menaikkan suku bunga pada bulan depan.
Data China cukup menakutkan investor yang sudah khawatir tentang lambatnya pertumbuhan global, mengirim investor bergegas beralih ke obligasi dan emas, sementara logam mulia yang memiliki permasalahan industri, seiring perak dan paladium, turun pasca mencatat dua hari kenaikan.
Emas rebound pekan ini dari level 5 ½ tahun terendahnya pada Juli lalu, didorong rilis risalah dari pertemuan kebijakan terakhir The Fed, yang menipiskan harapan kenaikan segera suku bunga AS.
Spot emas mencapai level tertingginya di level $1,168.40 per ons dan naik sebesar 0,5 persen pada level $1,158.31 pukul 2:39 EDT (1839 GMT), naik sebesar 4 persen pada pekan ini. Emas berjangka AS untuk pengiriman Desember ditutup naik 0,6 persen pada level $1,159.60.
Sumber : www.ewfpro.com

Emas Capai Level Tertinggi dalam Lebih dari Enam Minggu Terkait Fed

PT. Equityworld Futures - Emas menguat untuk hari kelima ke level tertinggi dalam lebih dari enam minggu seiring tanda-tanda kemungkinan Federal Reserve menunda kenaikan suku bunga karena  masih rendahnya inflasi dan menyebarnya selloff di pasar negara berkembang.
Emas untuk pengiriman segera naik sebanyak 1,4 persen ke level $ 1,168.39 per ounce, level tertinggi sejak 7 Juli, sebelum diperdagangkan pada level $ 1,158.75 di pukul 02:57 siang waktu Singapura, menurut harga publik Bloomberg. Logam ini telah melonjak 3,9 persen minggu ini dan bersiap untuk meraih keuntungan terbesar sejak Januari.
Pejabat Fed menunjukkan kekhawatiran atas rendahnya inflasi, menurut laporan dari pertemuan bulan lalu, menandakan kenaikan tingkat suku bunga mungkin akan dilakukan pada bulan Desember bukan bulan depan. Keputusan China untuk mendevaluasi mata uangnya di tengah pertumbuhan yang lambat dan prospek suku bunga AS yang lebih tinggi telah mendorong penjualan di pasar negara berkembang dan komoditas. Indeks manufaktur China jatuh ke posisi terendah dalam enam tahun pada hari Jumat.
Emas masih 2,2 persen lebih rendah tahun ini. Harga turun ke level $ 1,077.40 pada bulan Juli, tingkat yang merupakan level terendah dalam lebih dari lima tahun.(sdm)
Sumber : www.ewfpro.com

Selasa, 11 Agustus 2015

Bursa Asia Melemah Terhadap Data China dan Spekulasi Suku Bunga AS

PT. Equityworld Futures - Bursa saham Asia jatuh setelah China melaporkan penurunan yang lebih besar dari perkiraan ekspor dan harga produsen serta data pekerjaan AS meningkatkan ekspektasi pedagang untuk kenaikan suku bunga Federal Reserve di bulan depan.
Indeks MSCI Asia Pacific turun 0,1% ke level 140,89 pada pukul 09:01 pagi di Tokyo. Indeks tersebut telah merosot dalam tiga minggu terakhir di tengah upaya pemerintah China untuk membendung penurunan pasar ekuitas dan karena investor menganalisis data ekonomi AS sebagai petunjuk terkait waktu kenaikan suku bunga AS untuk pertama kali sejak tahun 2006. Pedagang di suku bunga berjangka  yang memprediksi probabilitas dari kenaikan di bulan depan sebesar 54%.
Indeks Topix Jepang turun 0,4%. Indeks Kospi Korea Selatan turun 0,1%. Indeks S&P/ASX 200 Australia naik 0,1% dan Indeks NZX 50 Selandia Baru sedikit berubah. Pasar saham di Singapura ditutup untuk liburan.
Data pada hari Jumat menunjukkan pengusaha AS menambahkan 215.000 pekerjaan pada bulan Juli sementara tingkat pengangguran bertahan di level terendah tujuh tahun sebesar 5,3%. Gain dalam gaji mengikuti kenaikan 231.000 pada bulan Juni yang lebih besar dari perkiraan sebelumnya. Sementara laporan tersebut juga menunjukkan kenaikan dalam jam kerja, penghasilan rata-rata per jam naik kurang dari perkiraan sebesar 2,1% dari tahun sebelumnya.
Pengiriman dari China pada Juli menyusut 8,3%, lebih dari lima kali penurunan yang diproyeksikan oleh analis, memicu kekhawatiran atas ekonomi terbesar di Asia, yang diperkirakan tumbuh pada kecepatan paling lambat dalam tahun ini sejak tahun 1990. Harga produsen mencatatkan penurunan tajam sejak 2009, menurut data pada hari Minggu.
Kontrak pada indeks Hang Seng dan Indeks Hong Kong Hang Seng China Enterprises turun setidaknya 0,5% pada Jumat lalu. Berjangka di Indeks FTSE China A50 kehilangan 0,2%, sedangkan pada Indeks Shanghai Shenzhen CSI 300 menambahkan 2,6% di sebagian besar perdagangan terakhir.(frk)
Sumber : www.ewfpro.com

Kamis, 23 Juli 2015

CHINESE Gold Reserves

PT. Equityworld Futures - China shocked the bullion market by declaring today its official gold holdings for the first time in 6 years - the surprise was less that they had done so, and more at the incredibly small figure which is less than half the market consensus. China last reported a figure of 1054 tonnes in April 2009 which has risen to only 1658 tonnes today - we don't believe the figure, but we struggle to understand the motivation for down-playing it.
With only 1658 tonnes of gold reserves this would put China in 5th position behind the US (8133 tonnes), Germany (3383 tonnes), Italy (2451 tonnes) and France (2435 tonnes). As a country with the world's largest economy by some measures, one would have expected they would be well north of the German figure really. So what is at play here ...
China is seeking a place at top table in financial markets by having its currency accepted under IMF rules (the so-called Special Drawing Rights) at a meeting to be held in October - in other words, to have the Yuan included by Central banks around the world as a reserve currency. As part of this process, China would need to fully declare its gold reserves ; in that sense the timing is as expected - its just the amount that makes no sense.
Secondly, China is struggling with an equity market in freefall and some have suggested that the timing of the declaration is to give comfort to domestic investors that their reserves are size-able ... but that makes no sense either, because they aren't !
The third explanation - and here we move into the under-world of conspiracies, is that China wants to downplay gold as part of its reserves - especially as they are world's top buyers both for domestic jewellery and to top up their official reserves (yes they are also the top producers but they are significant net buyers). This is to say that China may be adopting the reverse of the UK policy of the late 1990's where it telegraphed in advance to the world its intentions to sell most of its gold reserves - thereby prompting a fall in prices to a 21 year low ... thank you Gordon Brown.
I would suspect a decision has already been made by the IMF in principal about the Yuan joining the US dollar as a reserve currency (although I have no proof of that), effectively seeking to fill a void in reserves as Central Banks dessert the Euro ... and it does therefore need to overstate its gold holdings.
There is an apocryphal story about the Chinese Premier on a state visit to Paris who was asked what he thought about the French Revolution ... "Too early to say" was his reply ... which caused a guffaw amongst observers who were aware of China having an uber-long term view on things (actually he misunderstood the question !) ... perhaps they are p[laying the long game both with regards to the economy and with regards to declaring its hand fully and openly on gold.
Sumber : www.ewfpro.com

Selasa, 07 Juli 2015

Asia Stocks Fall Before Greek Vote as China Shares Extend Slump

PT. Equityworld Futures - Asian stocks fell, led by mainland China shares as measures to shore up the market failed to stop margin traders from unwinding positions at a record pace and investors awaited Greece’s referendum.
The Shanghai Composite Index capped its steepest three-week slide since 1992, falling 5.8 percent on Friday. BHP Billiton Ltd. lost 1.5 percent in Sydney, dragging commodity producers to the largest declines on the regional gauge. China Resources Land Ltd. dropped 4 percent in Hong Kong as just eight of 50 shares on the Hang Seng Index advanced.
The MSCI Asia Pacific Index slipped 0.4 percent to 146.36 as of 5:03 p.m. in Tokyo. The measure is headed for a 1 percent decrease this week. With the Shanghai gauge tumbling more than twice as fast as any other index worldwide, regulators have pledged to investigate market manipulation and unveiled measures to revive confidence among the nation’s 90 million individual investors.
The Hang Seng Index fell 0.8 percent and the Hang Seng China Enterprises Index declined 1.4 percent. Australia’s S&P/ASX 200 Index slipped 1.1 percent and New Zealand’s NZX 50 Index was little changed. South Korea’s Kospi index fell 0.1 percent and Singapore’s Straits Times gained 0.4 percent.
Japan’s Topix index added 0.2 percent, paring this week’s drop to 0.9 percent.
The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index ended the shortened week down 1.2 percent, the biggest weekly loss since March, after closing little changed Thursday. The monthly U.S labor report indicated job creation advanced in June while pay stagnated and the size of the workforce receded.
Sumber : ewfpro.com

Emas Tahan Penurunan Karena Prospek Kenaikan Suku Bunga the Fed Kalahkan Isu Yunani

PT. Equityworld Futures - Emas menuju penurunan mingguan kedua karena spekulasi Federal Reserve yang akan menaikkan suku bunga di tengah penguatan ekonomi AS, melebihi permintaan yang didorong oleh krisis utang Yunani.
Emas batanganuntuk pengiriman segera berada di $ 1,167.81 per ons pada pukul 2:26 waktu Singapura dari posisi $ 1,166.26 pada hari Kamiskemarin, ketika logamkuning tersebut jatuh ke $ 1,157.18, terendah sejak 18 Maret, menurut harga Bloomberg. Harga menuju penurunan sebesar 0,7 persen pada minggu ini, memperpanjang penurunan 2,1 persen minggu lalu.
Fokus investor bergeser ketika Federal Reserve akan menaikkan suku bunga sebelum referendum  Yunani pada akhir pekan dalam upaya langkah-langkah penghematan yang dapat membantu untuk menentukan apakah negara itu tetap berada didalam zona euro. Sebuah laporan Departemen Tenaga Kerja pada hari Kamis menunjukkan perusahaan-perusahaan AS menambahkan 223.000 pekerjaan pada Juni, sementara upah mengalami stagnansi dan jumlah angkatan kerja mengalami penyusutan.
Kontrak berjangka untuk pengiriman Agustus naik 0,3 persen menjadi $ 1.166,50 di Comex setelah tiga hari mengalami kerugian. Logam mulia dengan kemurnian 99,99 persen  kehilangan sebanyak 0,5 persen menjadi 231,50 yuan per gram ($ 1,160.18) diBursa Emas Shanghaimeskipundiperdagangan sedikit berubah pada 232,78 yuan.
Perak untuk pengiriman segera turun 0,2 persen menjadi $ 15,6648 per ons setelahnaik 0,7 persen pada hari Kamis, ketika ketika mengakhiri lima hari penurunannya.(sdm)
Sumber : ewfpro.com

Rabu, 01 Juli 2015

Saham AS Dibuka Melemah Ditengah Kekhwatiran Krisis Yunani

PT. Equityworld Futures - Saham AS turun di tengah kekhawatiran yang meningkat mengenai potensi dampak keluarnya Yunani dari kawasan euro, dengan pemerintah menerapkan kontrol modal serta menutup bank-bank sebelum mengusulkan tuntutan kreditor.
Sembilan dari 10 industri utama 500 Indeks Standard & Poor turun, dengan saham finansial turun 0,9%. Citigroup Inc dan JPMorgan Chase & Co tergelincir sedikitnya 1,5%. Fiat Chrysler Mobil NV, yang membuat sekitar seperempat dari penjualan di Eropa, Timur Tengah dan Afrika, jatuh sebanyak 4,7%. Global X FTSE Yunani 20 ETF jatuh 15%.
Indeks Standard & Poor 500 turun 0,6% menjadi 2,089.82 pada 09:51 pagi di New York, setelah sebelumnya turun 0,9% dan jatuh di bawah harga rata-rata selama 100 hari terakhir. Dow Jones Industrial Average kehilangan 110,37 poin, atau 0,6%, ke level17,836.31, dan Indeks Nasdaq Composite turun 0,7%.(yds)
Sumber : ewfpro.com

Sabtu, 20 Juni 2015

Fed Says Job Gains Pick Up, Staying on Track for 2015 Rate Rise

PT. Equityworld Futures - central bank on track to raise interest rates this year for the first time in almost a decade.
“Economic activity has been expanding moderately,” the Federal Open Market Committee said in a statement Wednesday in Washington. “The pace of job gains picked up,” it said, and “underutilization of labor resources diminished somewhat” since their last meeting in April.
Separately, Fed officials maintained their forecast for the benchmark interest rate at the end of 2015, while lowering it for next year.
Policy makers predicted the rate will rise to 0.625 percent this year, according to their median estimate. That implies two quarter-point increases. Next year, they expect the rate to climb to 1.625 percent, lower than a March forecast of 1.875 percent.
A rebound in job growth is giving Fed officials reason to look beyond a first-quarter economic slowdown as they consider when to tighten policy. At the same time, inflation remains below their target, and central bankers say the timing of a rate increase depends on how economic data unfold.
“The committee expects inflation to rise gradually toward 2 percent over the medium term as the labor market improves further and the transitory effects of earlier declines in energy and import prices dissipate,” according to the statement.
Sumber : ewfpro.com

Rabu, 10 Juni 2015

Gold Climb for Second Day as Greece Concerns Fuel Haven Demand

PT. Equityworld Futures - Gold gained for a second day as mounting concern that Greece will stumble in its bid to avoid default boosted the metal’s appeal as a haven asset.
Gold futures for August delivery climbed 0.3 percent to settle at $1,177.60 an ounce at 1:44 p.m. on the Comex in New York.
Silver futures for July delivery slipped less than 0.1 percent to $15.957 an ounce on the Comex, declining for a fifth day, the longest streak since May 30, 2014.
Platinum futures for July delivery gained 0.7 percent to $1,108.50 an ounce on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Palladium futures for September delivery slid 0.5 percent to $739.90 an ounce, an eighth straight decline and longest slump since Feb. 4, 2014.
Sumber : ewfpro.com

Kamis, 04 Juni 2015

Gold at 3-week low on stronger U.S. data, Greece optimism

PT. Equityworld Futures - Gold fell to a three-week low on Wednesday as data showed the U.S. private sector added more jobs than expected in May and prospects increased of a debt deal for Greece.

U.S. private employers added 201,000 jobs, above the 165,000 in April and economists' estimate of a 200,000 gain.

Spot gold was down 0.7 percent at $1,185.56 an ounce by 2:56 p.m. EDT (1856 GMT) after falling more than 1 percent to the lowest since May 11 at $1,179.43. U.S. gold futures for August delivery settled down $9.50 at $1,184.90.

Gold fell despite the U.S. dollar hitting its lowest against the euro in over two weeks after the European Central Bank kept monetary policy steady. European shares turned lower but U.S. stocks extended gains, a source of pressure for gold prices, after the Federal Reserve's Beige Book showed U.S. economic activity expanded from early April to late May.

Sumber : ewfpro.com

Rabu, 06 Mei 2015

Gold Futures Rebound From 6 Week Low Amid China Stimulus Bets

PT. Equityworld Futures - Gold futures recovered from a six-week low amid speculation that weaker economic growth will prompt officials to add to stimulus in China, which rivals India as the world’s top bullion buyer.
Futures are rebounding after three weeks of declines. The Federal Reserve has damped speculation that it will delay boosting interest rates. Traders are awaiting the April U.S. payrolls report on Friday for more signals on the timing of increases for borrowing costs. Higher rates drive investors to favor assets that pay interest, such as bonds, curbing gold’s appeal as a store of value, since it generally offers returns only through price gains.
On the Comex in New York, gold futures for June delivery rose 1 percent to settle at $1,186.80 an ounce at 1:47 p.m. On May 1, the price touched $1,168.40, the lowest for a most-active contract since March 20.
Employers in the U.S. added 225,000 workers last month, up from 126,000 in March, according to the median estimate in a Bloomberg survey of economists before the Labor Department report on May 8. The unemployment rate may decline to 5.4 percent from 5.5 percent.
Sumber : ewfpro.com

Sabtu, 25 April 2015

Gold Futures Slump Most in Six Weeks as U.S. Home Sales Jump

PT. Equityworld Futures - Gold futures fell the most in six weeks as signs of a recovery in the U.S. economy curbed demand for the precious metal as an alternative asset. Silver dropped to the lowest since mid-March.
Sales of previously owned homes jumped in March to the highest since September 2013, figures from the National Association of Realtors showed Wednesday. The dollar pared losses against a basket of 10 currencies, while gold dropped to a one-week low. The metal fell 2.5 percent in March as the greenback climbed for the ninth straight month.
Gold futures for June delivery fell 1.3 percent to settle at $1,186.90 an ounce at 1:50 p.m. on the Comex in New York, the biggest drop for a most-active contract since March 6. Earlier, the metal touched $1,185, the lowest since April 14.
Estimated trading for the contract was 261,646 contracts with the highest volume shortly after the housing data was related at 10 a.m.
Sumber : ewfpro.com

Sabtu, 11 April 2015

Gold Fall to Lowest in a Week as Fed Minutes Fuel Rate Concerns

PT. Equityworld Futures - Gold futures fell to a one-week low after minutes from the Federal Reserve’s last meeting fueled concern that policy makers are moving closer to raising interest rates.
Fed officials were split last month over whether they would boost rates in June, the minutes released on Wednesday showed. Holdings in exchange-traded products backed by gold fell to 1,616.1 metric tons, a three-month low, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The dollar rose to the highest in a week against a basket of 10 currencies.
Gold futures are heading for the first weekly decline since March 13. A government report last week showed U.S. jobs growth cooled in March, providing temporary support for prices. Metals traders are scrutinizing economic data for more signals on the timing of rate increases, which cuts the appeal of bullion because it only offers returns through price gains.
Bullion futures for June delivery dropped 0.8 percent to settle at $1,193.60 an ounce at 1:44 p.m. on the Comex in New York. Prices earlier touched $1,192.40, the lowest since April 1.
Silver futures for May delivery fell 1.7 percent to $16.176 an ounce on the Comex, capping a third straight loss. Prices touched $16.105, the lowest since March 20.
Platinum futures for July delivery lost 0.8 percent to $1,157 an ounce on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Palladium futures for June delivery climbed 0.9 percent to $762.40 an ounce, the third gain in four days.
Sumber : ewfpro.com

Gold Futures Fall From Seven-Week High as Dollar Strengthens

PT. Equityworld Futures - Gold retreated from the highest in almost seven weeks as the dollar strengthened, reducing demand for the metal as an alternative investment.
The greenback headed for the biggest gain since mid-March against a basket of six currencies, a day after a private report showing expansion in U.S. service industries eased concerns on the economy. Holdings in exchange-traded products backed by gold fell 1.8 metric tons on Monday to 1,618.7 tons, the lowest since Jan. 15, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.
Gold dropped for three straight quarters amid speculation that an improving U.S. economy is pushing the Federal Reserve closer to raising interest rates for the first time since 2006. Richmond Fed President Jeffrey Lacker, who suggested on March 31 that the case for boosting rates will remain “strong” at the June meeting, said Friday that a report showing slower U.S. hiring didn’t alter his view on policy.
Gold futures for June delivery fell 0.7 percent to settle at $1,210.60 an ounce at 1:44 p.m. on the Comex in New York. The price reached $1,224.50 on Monday, the highest since Feb. 17, after U.S. payrolls data fell short of economists’ projections in an April 3 report.
Silver futures for May delivery slid 1.6 percent to $16.84 an ounce on the Comex, the second loss in three sessions.
Sumber : ewfpro.com

Jumat, 10 April 2015

Gold Declines as Some Fed Officials Favor Raising Rates in June

PT. Equityworld Futures - Gold declined after minutes from the Federal Reserve’s last meeting showed some policy makers favored raising U.S. interest rates as soon as June.
The precious metal has fallen out of favor with investors who anticipate that rates will rise this year. Holdings in exchange-traded products backed by gold are at the lowest since mid-January, while U.S. government data shows open interest for New York futures and options has declined in the past two months.
Gold for immediate delivery fell 0.8 percent to $1,199.26 an ounce at 2:39 p.m. New York time, heading for the biggest loss in a week.
The Bloomberg Dollar Spot Index, which tracks the U.S. currency against 10 major peers, pared losses after the Fed minutes were released. A stronger greenback cuts the appeal of precious metals as an alternative investment.
Sumber : ewfpro.com

Senin, 06 April 2015

China Stock-Index Futures Rise Following Fourth Weekly Advance

PT. Equityworld Futures - China stock-index futures rose as the benchmark Shanghai gauge headed for a fourth weekly gain.
Futures on the CSI 300 Index expiring in April advanced 0.1 percent to 4,107.40 as of 9:25 a.m. China Vanke Co., the nation’s biggest listed property developer, may be active after saying profit fell as much as 61 percent in the first quarter from a year earlier.
The Shanghai Composite Index gained 0.4 percent to 3,825.78 on Thursday, taking its climb this week to 3.7 percent. The CSI 300 Index rose less than 0.1 percent.
Margin traders increased holdings of shares purchased with borrowed money Thursday, with the outstanding balance of margin debt on the Shanghai Stock Exchange rising by 1.2 percent to a record 1.02 billion yuan.
The 14-day relative strength measure for the Shanghai index, measuring how rapidly prices have advanced or dropped during a specified time period, was at 78.2 Thursday. Readings above 70 indicate a price may be poised to fall.
The online sports-lottery operator rose 18 percent on Thursday in New York to $12.29, its biggest jump in 11 weeks. 500.com paced gains on the Bloomberg index of the most-actively traded Chinese companies on U.S. exchanges, which added 1.4 percent for a second day of advances. The gauge increased 1.6 percent for the week as U.S. stock trading is closed for a holiday Friday.
Sumber : ewfpro.com